How to Install imap extension in PHP on Windows?
IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. It is an application layer protocol. PHP-IMAP is used to efficiently access messages from the IMAP server. IMAP stores email on the server and can download on-demand. To access the IMAP server we have to use PHP IMAP extension, now using this extension we can execute several operations to get different parts of the message. Or we can say that it acts as an intermediary between client and email servers. It was designed by Mark Crispin in 1986 as a remote access mailbox protocol. Some important features of IMAP are:...
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How to Install and use PHP Composer on Linux?
A composer is a tool that is used for dependency management in PHP. But Composer is not a package manager. Composer is an application-level manager that is completely used for PHP programming language. A package manager is used to import codebases into the project and make it up to date. Composer helps to declare necessary libraries and dependencies requires for a particular project. However, it helps to install some packages which are not easily available on and it also allows adding require project libraries to a certain project. It is used to download required packages for some projects....
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How to Install MongoDB Driver in PHP?
MongoDB is a database & it verifies the document databases. It is widely used for its flexibility & scalability. MongoDB provides a cloud & server-based database management system. Also, it provides some extra plugins to use MongoDB in different aspects also. It provides a PHP driver plugin that enables MongoDB to work with PHP server providers. For downloading PHP drivers of MongoDB, the main requirement is that any type of server like Wamp or Xampp should be installed on the machine previously. Otherwise, it will not work further. The Xampp Apache should be configured & run before in hand....
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Svelte | Introduction and Installation
Svelte is the new methodology for creating web apps. It can be used in a small part of a code or in an entire single page application. It is a compiler not a framework, which is faster than other JavaScript libraries like ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS. It is used to create reactive web apps. If any change occurs in the data that change will reflect on the page instantly. It is also used in rapid application development (RAD) means quickly produce minimally coded software application. It is used in Web Optimization. But it does not use virtual DOM which makes it different from others. It is free and open source written by Rich Harris. Svelte Compiles your Code for production at execution time into vanilla JavaScript bundle. If you deploy your application over the internet then you don’t need to deploy Svelte like we did other library. That’s why it results in a fast execution....
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Laravel | Installation and Configuration
Laravel is a PHP framework that makes building complex web applications a cakewalk. In this guide you are going to learn how to Install and Configure Laravel and get your first Laravel project running in your computer....
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How to install and manage Node using NVM on Godaddy Server ?
GoDaddy VPS is a shared server that provides computational services, databases, storage space, automated weekly backups, and 99% uptime, and GoDaddy Server is a cloud-based hosting platform that consists of virtual and dedicated servers....
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CSS Viewer Chrome Extension for Web Developers
CSS viewer inspect and displays the CSS properties of a web page. It is a very smart and useful extension that identifies CSS properties anywhere one points his mouse. It is time-saving and very fast, and also it makes identifying CSS easy....
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How to install Node.js on a webserver ?
To access web pages on any web application, we need a webserver to handle all the HTTP requests for the web application.Node.js provides the capabilities to create our own webserver which will handle HTTP requests asynchronously....
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How to Install Apache with PHP-FPM on Ubuntu?
The Apache HTTP Server is a free, open-source, cross-platform web server software. It is developed and maintained by Apache Software Foundation. Apache is the most widely used web server around the world. The vast majority of Apache HTTP server instances run on Linux distribution, but current versions also run on Microsoft Windows, OpenVMS, and a variety of UNIX-like systems. PHP-FPM  is known as FastCGI Process Manager. It is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation with extra features that are useful for heavy-loaded sites. It allows us to run multiple versions of PHP simultaneously. In this article, we will discuss how to install PHP-FPM with Apache on Ubuntu. Here we will use Ubuntu version 20.04.03 on a virtual box....
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How to Install Imagick for PHP on AWS EC2?
AWS or Amazon web services is a cloud service platform. It provides on-demand computational services, databases, storage space, and many more services. EC2 or Elastic Compute Cloud is a scalable computing service launched on the AWS cloud platform. Or in other words, EC2 is a virtual computer on which we can perform all our tasks and we have the authority to configure, launch or even dissipate this virtual computer....
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How to Install bcmath extension of PHP on CentOS?
PHP offers various extensions to deal with different cases. BCMath is one of the PHP extensions which is an interface to the GNU implementation as a library of the Basic Calculator that deals with float values in PHP. This extension helps in implementing the function related to mathematics on the production server without any arbitrary precision errors. It allows calculations on numbers (represented in string format) of any size and precision....
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How to install and configure Docker on Godaddy server?
In this article, we will discuss how to install the latest version of Docker on GoDaddy VPS (Ubuntu)....
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